I started with the development of Optogate products in 1999. I worked in the music business for more than 25 years and we served about 2000 concerts and other events with professional equipment during this time. We originally developed the Optogates for our own projects but quickly recognized the wider market potential. The circuitry was refined and the PB-05 was developed for local and export sale. The PB-06 followed shortly after following useful suggestions from clients. The company is small and prides itself on attentiveness to customer's needs. This is one reason that Optogate sales grow steadily at 30% per year. Another is the product itself, made to German levels of quality and performance.
In March 2007 we introduced the programmable mic table stand version PB-09. In June 2007 we got our first pick and place machine and changed from the pure thd pcb technology to a mixed smd - thd pcb technology. This technology results in better mechanical performance. In April 2009 we exhibited the new Mini Audio Lab at the Prolight & Sound in Frankfurt. The response was great due to the build in feedback ident function and other features. the Mic Lift v2 followed at the PLASA show in London. Some other useful devices were developed in 2010 and 2011. A second pick & place machine in 2011 and 2017 enabled us a more flexible and faster production of our products. However, there are already about 15000 PB-05 wordwide "on the road". Due to the experience with these devices we were able to increase the quality of our products.
The idea with the electronicbox devices came with my never ending "fun work" at my Harley Davidson Shovelheads. Our customers have already installed far more than 5000 of these control devices in great custombikes since 2009 and they are very happy with it.
However, due to some new developments in the "new energy" field we installed a new department within of our company, the "SolarelectriX" area, where we publish some new and affordable products.
By the way, Here in our company is the word sustainability an important issue and not just an advertisement phrase! The packages from our suppliers are be collected and go with our products to our customers. This helps us to reduce waiste to a minimum. We are a member of the BWE and Greenpeace as well as the BVKW. Our workshop and production rooms are equipped with a room power control what helps to switch off unused equipment. We already changed our old fluorescent lights in the manufacturing area against selfmade CREE XLAMP bars. This investment increased the light output from 400 lux to 1100 lux and reduced the power consumption from 60 Watt to 18 Watt per working place. This saves about 550 kw/h p.a. Our building is insolated to a German "KW40" standard. A 20 squaremeter solar system heats up this area for almost 8 months p.a. A 14 KW photovoltaik systems provides a balance to the consumed external supplied electrical energy. A ventilation system with a cross heat exchanger and a 50m geothermal heat exchanger before it supply a good ambient air in our rooms with very low transmission losses. A small wind turbine will follow soon. We currently work at 3 other "new energy" projects. Our long term goal is to be independent from external supplied energy. Our Grundlast X controller in connection with a few solar panels and a 5 kW/h battery already reduces the the standby consumption of our machines to zero. We developed and produce 3 solar charge - and discharge controller under the brand name "Solar ElectriX". In the front of our building we have installed a free charge station for electric vehicles and we are listed in the german "Drehstromliste" as charge station for this fascinating technology.
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