Welcome to “STUD BOY”® traction products! Your one-stop guide for all your snowmobile stud & wearbar needs!
Manufacturers of snowmobile carbide studs, backer plates, carbide wear bars, and accessories. “STUD BOY”® products provide the safety and performance that gets the power to the ground while maintaining confidence in snowmobile control. Traction control products puts ease in knowing your snowmobile will respond the way you need it to, and “STUD BOY”® stud & wearbar products will provide this confidence!
It is our passion to provide the safest, most dependable traction products in the industry. Here at “STUD BOY”®, we are trail riders and we are racers. We hear the demands, we react and we test. It is not only a hobby, it is an obsession!
Let us help you reach the comfort of safety and performance you deserve!
Get “traction with an attitude” with “STUD BOY”® traction products, and feel the difference in your snowmobile.
Established 1989
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