Vance & Hines is an American manufacturer of aftermarket motorcycle performance parts with factories in Santa Fe Springs, California and Brownsburg, Indiana. While we are best known for our distinctive exhaust systems for big twin cruisers, you may be surprised to know that we also make a wide range of parts and accessories for nearly every form of vehicle in the powersports world.
The company’s founders, Terry Vance and Byron Hines shared a passion for the quarter mile from the early days of motorcycle drag racing. But they also shared a vision of creating a company that would be a pillar of the motorcycle aftermarket, and they used their unrivaled achievements in racing to build a brand that would unmistakably stand for quality and performance.
This same formula drives Vance & Hines today, from our continuing involvement in many disciplines of racing to our commitment to making the kinds of products that get people excited about motorcycling.
From metal forming to smartphone-driven electronics, we believe pushing the envelope for design and technology is the way forward. At the end of the day, our goal is not just to make an American-made product, but to create products that inspire motorcyclists around the world.
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